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Puppy Classes

Puppy Life Skills Class

Start Dates

June 4th at 9.30am - fully booked

September 13th at 9.30am - 6 spaces

- waiting list spaces available -

Puppy and Adolescent Class

Start Dates

June 4th at 10.20am - fully booked

September 13th at 10.20am - 6 spaces

- waiting list spaces available -

Puppy Life Skills Class


If your puppy is between 8 weeks and 20 weeks of age at the beginning of the class and has had little or no previous training experience then the puppy life skills course is the perfect class for you. Five week course for £105, location central Sevenoaks.

In this class we will teach you

  •    how to teach sit, down and stand

  •    how to teach food manners and prevent resource guarding

  •    how to walk your puppy on a loose lead

  •    how to teach your puppy not to jump up

  •    how to get your puppy to come when called 

  •    what to do when your puppy chews and play-bites

  •    how to get your puppy used to being handled

  •    how to socialise and habituate your puppy

Puppy and Adolescent Class

This class is perfect for you if your puppy is between 12 weeks and 12 months of age and has either completed the Puppy Life Skills Course or has had other previous training experience. Five week course for £105, location central Sevenoaks.

In this class we will 

  •    practice and improve walking nicely on a lead

  •    teach your dog to ‘stay’ reliably

  •    build and improve your dog’s recall

  •    practice your “leave it” command in different situations

  •    teach your dog to target an item with its nose

  •    teach your dog fun tricks (requests are welcome!)

  •    tell you what to expect in your dog’s adolescence

  •    show you useful ways of controlling your dog at a distance

  •    give you tips on how to be safe on a walk

We want you and your puppy to be happy and relaxed during our classes and have fun with the training so we strictly limit attendance to 7 dogs per course.

© 2018 by Puppy Poppins. 

Barbara James MAPDT (01273) ABTC ATI

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